Peaceful Families Project is based in training of Muslim Communities & Religious Leaders, as well as individuals and systems that touch Muslim lives in the area of family functioning including law enforcement, judges, non-profit advocacy organizations, mental health providers, shelters, refugee resettlement agencies, policy forums, ecumenical task forces, etc.etc.etc. Training may include general information about Domestic Violence, Islamic perspectives on Gender, Marriage, Divorce and Violence, Positive Marital Functioning, Courtship Coercion, or address a specific incident in a community. Trainings may be virtual or locally in-person. Some of our regular training offerings are:
- Mythbusters: Islamic Perspectives on Gender, Marriage, Divorce, and Family Based Violence is a training offered to Non-Muslim audiences and includes a general orientation to Islam, Muslims, and cultural and religious factors to consider when working with Muslim communities.
- Connecting with the Muslim Community focussed on assisting non-Muslim communities in building strong and collaborative relationships with Muslim communities and organizations to better serve all.
- Muslim Imam and Chaplain Training: This training is focussed on Muslim religious leaders and is grounded in Islamic sacred text (Quran and Hadith) related to family functioning as well as the practical challenges of addressing and managing cases of domestic violence within the majid community as a leader.
- Muslim Young Adult Topics: During the critical time when individuals are seeking marriage PFP offers specific presentations to MSA and other youth focused groups related to partner selection, Islamic Models of Marriage, using the NIKKAH as a tool to create a happy family, the role of premarital education in creating a positive partnership, courtship coercion, and warning signs for the risk of family violence.
- Domestic Violence 101: General training for the Muslim community related to awareness and response to family based violence in the Muslim community.
PFP sponsors Training of Trainer Certification Programs for PFP curriculums that are already piloted and found to use evidence-based best practices. After the training the individual will have access to all of the tools to provide the specific program including session plans, PowerPoint Slide Decks, evaluations, and resources. All certification programs are authored by experts across the country working together with religious scholars to offer an experience that is academically, practically and religiously appropriate.
Currently PFP offers certification training in the following curriculum areas. Please complete an interest form for any curriculum you may be interested in becoming certified in. TOT Certification trainings are generally two-day live events presented in different geographic locations. Training of Trainer Certificates are offered in the following curriculums:
In addition to general training PFP offers a two -day AFFILIATE TRAINING for individuals and organizations interested in becoming a part of PFP and include information about the PFP model, general understanding of Domestic Violence and Islamic perspectives, as well as presentation and evaluation skills.
Currently PFP offers certification training in the following curriculum areas. Please complete an interest form for any curriculum you may be interested in becoming certified in. TOT Certification trainings are generally two-day live events presented in different geographic locations. Training of Trainer Certificates are offered in the following curriculums:
- Peaceful Futures: A Muslim Youth interactive program focussed on Islamic Identity, Healthy Adolescent Development, Positive Relationships, Mental Health/ Substance Abuse, Toerence, Diversity and Cyber-Citizenship. The curriculum includes 8 sessions in each of three modules for Peaceful Futures including for Middle School, High School and University Aged Young Adults. This training is most appropriate for educators, youth programing coordinators, and individuals working with Muslim youth.
- Muslim Abusive Pattern Intervention (MAPI): This training is for licensed Mental Health professionals and provides a 12 session Islamically based therapeutic model for individuals engaging in oppressive, aggressive and violent behaviors in their families. This program includes psych-information, skill building, and a Muslim model for positive family functioning. The MAPI curriculum includes session plans, PowerPoint presentations for each session, evaluation, and resources and can be used as a Domestic Violence Intervention program model for those involved in the criminal justice system.
- Muslim Male Bystanders Intervention Training (COMING IN JUNE!): This training provides the structure for a four hour experience for Muslim Men by Muslim Men that examines the concept of oppression in Islam (global, community and family-based) and gives a framework for Muslim Men to serve as leaders to break the cycles of oppression, power and control and family based violence from men in our own communities. The training includes skills for intervening and risk decision trees to ensure that safety and efficiency is considered in all personal and community actions..
- Peaceful Partings: Grief, Divorce and Coparenting From an Islamic Perspective (COMING IN SEPTEMBER!): This training focuses on the challenging period of time in a Muslim family when divorce is considered, the marriage is dissolved and the family reforms in two intertwined entities. The program has 8 sessions and includes topics of how to decide to move forward with separation, Islamic mandates and models around divorce, managing extended family, negotiating conflict and moving forward peacefully. Training includes session plans, slide deck presentations for each session, resources, and evaluations. This program can serve as a parenting or co-parenting curriculum for states that require a course for eligibility for divorce.
In addition to general training PFP offers a two -day AFFILIATE TRAINING for individuals and organizations interested in becoming a part of PFP and include information about the PFP model, general understanding of Domestic Violence and Islamic perspectives, as well as presentation and evaluation skills.
PFP has served as the lead agency in documenting trends in the American Muslim experience of family functioning and violence since 2011 when it sponsored with its partners the first Muslim Domestic Violence Survey. Currently PFP assists students, academics and policy makers by providing clear directed research projects that expand knowledge in the field of family based violence in the Muslim Community.
Current research projects include:
Current research projects include:
- National Muslim Intimate Partner Violence Data 2022-23: This study presents general data of Domestic Violence within the Muslim community including prevalence, coping strategies, community response and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- In Their Names: This project is an ongoing documentation of domestic homicide in the US Muslim community and includes the memorialization of victims and the identification of risk factors and patterns in domestic homicide in the Muslim community. Please click here to access the list.
- National Muslim Male Attitudes, Beliefs and Experiences of Family-Based Violence: This is a currently running study with Dr. Zain Shamoon looking at the unique perspectives of Muslim men related to family based violence in 2024. Please click here to partake in the study.
- National Muslim Youth Survey of Attitudes, Beliefs and Experiences of Courtship Coercion and Family Based Violence: This investigation will begin in June of 2024 and focus on the experiences of Muslim youth related to courtship coercion (stalking, force, manipulation, and violence related to the courtship process) and family-based violence.
Peaceful Families Project creates content, programming and resources that reflect the US Muslim experience of family based violence. PFP is continually creating new content that address new trends and target language groups. PFP has currently:
- DV 101 in 5 languages
- Infographics for Muslim Men for Peaceful Families
- Peaceful Partner’s Pledge
- Oppression and Control Wheel (Global Community & Family) Arabic/ English
Peaceful Families Project strives to raise the experience of Muslim affected by family based violence as the spaces where decisions are made and levels of support are determined. PFP is an active member of a wide-range of interfaith organizations to ensure that Islam is correctly and respectfully included in service provision when Muslims are affected by violence. PFP is currently involved with the following networks:
- Muslim Advocates Network Against Domestic Violence
- National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
- National INterfaith Coalition Against Domestic Violence
- National Task Force Against Domestic Violence
- National Task Force Against Forced Marriage
- OVW TA Provider for Engaging Men and Boys of Faith
- OVW TA Provider for MENA
- Administration for Children and Families
- White House Faith Based and Community Services